What Country Should You Live In Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

zodiacplaces2Ox (Years 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)
Oxen are hard working and goal-oriented. They like to set goals and they work harder and more consistently than most to get them accomplished. The Ox is not only persistent but also observant, so they come across as quiet and pensive because they like to pay attention to what’s going rather than wasting time and energy on words. On the other hand, Ox people can be stubborn—which can be a great quality to have if you’re in business, but can also make them feel isolated.
Location: Japan
Why: Known as a country of hard-working people, Japan has a lot to offer to the goal-oriented Ox. In addition to the work ethic, Oxen will also appreciate the silence and introspection of Japanese society.

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