Explore Bangkok In A Day




If the constant stimulation of the city itself is simply too much for you, take a step outside for a bit to visit the beautiful city of Ayutthaya. It’s roughly an hour’s ride north of town, but worth a visit thanks to the miles of ancient ruins hiding in the city. Once the capital of Siam, the area is now home to the broken ruins of an empire nearly lost to time. You’ll need to hire a tuk tuk driver to take you around the city—there’s no way you could walk it on your own—or your can catch a ride from one of the many elephants that call the city home. Ayutthaya houses an elephant refuge where they work to bring these big beasts back from the brink while also allowing visitors to get up close and personal with them for an experience like no other. You can play with and feed the youngsters, or hitch a ride on one of the adults and explore the ruins on the back of an elephant!

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