Articles written by: Lily Wong

An avid explorer of cities, Lily could go anywhere when armed with her smartphone. Interested in foreign language, arts and books.

5 Tips to Stay Safe While on your Own

5 Tips to Stay Safe While on your Own

There are plenty of moments in life where you venture out on your own, whether it’s to travel, go to the movies, eat out or visit friends during the weekend. But before you leave home or go abroad, make sure you’re prepared for any scenario with these five safe travel […]

How to Pack for the Ultimate Road Trip

How to Pack for the Ultimate Road Trip

Windows rolled down, music playing, an open road and endless possibilities ahead of you—the draws road trip are undeniable. When such an adventure is still just an idea, however, it is easy to forget the less glamorous aspects: the emergency rest stops between Nowhereville and Nothingtown; the pile of empty […]

Everything You Need to Know About Peer-to-Peer Dining

Everything You Need to Know About Peer-to-Peer Dining

Created in the tradition of services like Uber and Airbnb, Peer-To-Peer Dining is a revolutionary way to open your home to strangers for a meal. Here is everything you need to know about this web service that allows you to have a great dining experience in the comfort of someone […]