Articles written by: Kristin Addis

Kristin Addis is the solo female traveler behind, a website for off the beaten path adventures! She is also the author of solo female traveler guidebook, Conquering Mountains and How to Solo Travel the World Fearlessly.

7 Tips for Solo Travelers

7 Tips for Solo Travelers

Traveling solo is one of the most enriching and self-affirming journeys you can go on. It promotes independence, allows you to do only the things you want to do, and gives you a chance to figure out who you are and what you really enjoy without anyone else’s opinion or […]

5 Perfect Camping Spots on Your California Coastal Road Trip

5 Perfect Camping Spots on Your California Coastal Road Trip

California is for camping. Thanks to the nearly perfect weather, stunning coastline, and wide array of campsite options, taking a drive up or down the California coast with a tent in tow is a beautiful, and affordable, way to see this stunning part of the world. Beginning from the north […]

How to Take Better Travel Photographs: 7 Easy Tips

How to Take Better Travel Photographs: 7 Easy Tips

The perfect set of photos from the trip of a lifetime is the best souvenir. Sure, it can be a bit of a pain lugging around more than just a smart phone for photos, and planning around the perfect times to shoot does require some flexibility, but photos are one […]

How to Keep Your Belongings Safe So You Can Breathe Easy on Vacation

How to Keep Your Belongings Safe So You Can Breathe Easy on Vacation

Safety is top of nearly everyone’s mind when traveling. Nobody wants to be robbed, feel unsafe, or worry about his/her belongings. While we’d all love to travel only to places that are safe and free of crime, that’s often not possible. For many of us, even traveling within our home […]

How to Take Great Travel Photos (Even If You Travel Solo)

How to Take Great Travel Photos (Even If You Travel Solo)

If you’re like me, you do most of your traveling by yourself and that means you have a lot of beautiful photographs, but are mysteriously missing from the bulk of them. I used to think that I didn’t like myself in photos, but in time, I came to wish I […]

5 Little-Known Secrets that Will Make Traveling Headache-Free in 2015

5 Little-Known Secrets that Will Make Traveling Headache-Free in 2015

What keeps you from hitting the road and using up all of your vacation days? What makes you groan when figuring out what to pack, how to get a good deal on a plane ticket, and how to keep your belongings safe? Traveling can seem stressful and expensive, but it […]